Wednesday, March 11, 2009

31 Weeks!

This is my latest bump photo taken last night when I hit the 31 week mark. McClane has really grown - and I swear most of his growth since the last picture has occurred in the last 5 days. All of a sudden, he's moving ALL of the time - kicking me constantly and he got bigger! I think he hit another growth spurt which makes sense because we only have 9 weeks to go!! I've posted the picture from last time too so you can compare the growth!

This is the picture from 28 weeks, just 3 weeks ago.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Showers!!

I had a wonderful weekend at home this past weekend. I flew home Friday night and had two showers on Saturday. The first one was at my church and the second one was at my aunt Karen's house. They were both so nice!! I got to see tons of friends and family and I got so many wonderful gifts for McClane! Several ladies gave us special handmade items - blankets and quilts - so nice and something we will treasure always! Everyone was so generous and we are very blessed! I think McClane will be one well-dressed baby - at least for the first 6 months! Grant gave me the biggest surprise ever last night when I got home - he had cleaned out McClane's room!! It may not sound like much, but it made my weekend to come home and see his room ready for new furniture!! He got rid of the bed that was in here and now I can envision how great it is going to look. The furniture should be here in a few more weeks!

Here are some pictures from my weekend. Thank you to all of my friends and family for making this such a special weekend for me! I can't wait until McClane gets here so he can meet all of the wonderful people in our lives!

This is at the shower at my church Saturday morning. My cousin Ashley came with two of her beautiful kids.

All of the ladies at the church shower.

My newlywed cousin Megan and me.

The beautiful and delicious cake that my friend Saralyn made for my second shower at my aunt's house. It was so special!! She used my nursery colors and themes for the inspiration! I didn't want to cut it or mess it up but I'm glad we did because it was fantastic!

Saralyn also made some yummy cookies for everyone to take home from the shower as favors. They were adorable and a huge hit! She is so talented - I can't wait until she opens up her bakery one day!

Three of my beautiful hostesses: Theresa, Saralyn and Kristen. It was so wonderful to see them.

This is a boat bookcase that we had a very talented man in Blakely make for McClane's room. I met with him over Christmas and showed him a picture of what I wanted and viola! he made it! We are beyond excited about it! It turned out so great! My mom is painting it navy to match the other furniture in his room. I can't wait!

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We'll post more soon!