Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back in Boston

Well, we made it back to Boston. We had such a wonderful time down South. McClane was very popular in Blakely - we had a revolving door the entire time we were down there. I think everyone in town met him. He loved all of the attention. After being in Blakely for two weeks, Grant came down and the three of us went to St. Simons for the week to see his dad and Pam. Unfortunately the weather wasn't that great for us, but we enjoyed the relaxed island time just the same. Pam really took to McClane and he REALLY took to her too - they had a big time bonding and she was so great to watch McClane for us so that Grant and I could have some alone time. We went out to eat at restaurants and spent a couple hours at the pool one afternoon. She really spoiled us - I told her she needed to come back to Boston with us! She and Bob were great with McClane - we hope to see them again soon!

On our way back to Boston, we were fortunate enough to meet up with our good friends Adam and Brooke and their sweet baby Brody for lunch in Tallahassee before going to the airport. Brody is one beautiful little boy - he and McClane are exactly one year apart. McClane's birthday is May 11 and Brody's in May 12. It was fun imagining what McClane will be like this time next year. They are planning a trip up here in the fall and we can't wait to see them again!

McClane had his two-month old checkup and shots this week. He weighs 11 pounds, 9 oz. and measures 23.75 inches long. The doctor said he is doing great. He is sleeping pretty much through the night now too which is wonderful! He slept 8 hours straight last night and then ate and slept for 3 more!

Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.

McClane is smiling all of the time now - it's hard to capture it with a camera though because he does it so quickly! It took my cousin Megan about 10 minutes to get this shot. It was worth it though.

We decided that McClane needed to try on Grandpa's John Deere cap - it won't be long before he has one of his own!

This is from the 4th of July - he looked like an All-American baby for sure!

My aunt Karen and cousin Megan gave him this cute bib.

Outside of Brogen's in St. Simons.

Pam getting some sweet snuggles from McClane.

Getting some attention from Pam and his grand-dad.

Meeting up with Adam, Brooke, and Brody in Tallahassee.

Until next time,
Grant, Lacey & McClane