Friday, November 27, 2009

McClane Meets Santa!

Last weekend we decided to take McClane to visit Santa.  We thought we would beat the long lines if we went before Thanksgiving and we did pretty good.  We waited in line maybe 30 minutes so it wasn't bad at all.  We went to the Natick Mall which is the nicest mall around Boston in hopes that they would have the best looking Santa.  When we got there, I was pleasantly surprised at Jolly Old St. Nick - he looked pretty good to me!  However, I became a little nervous as I watched all of the children cry, no scream, the moment they were placed in Santa's lap.  Grant and I just kind of looked at each other, and thought maybe this wasn't the greatest idea.  We both really thought McClane would do okay though because he doesn't have stranger anxiety yet so we proceeded through the line.  When it was our turn, I gingerly placed McClane on Santa's knee and waited to see what would happen.  McClane was MESMERIZED by Santa.  He couldn't take his eyes off of him.  He just laid back on Santa's chest and stared.  We were ringing bells and squeezing toys and calling his name but he just wasn't interested in us at all - he was too busy trying to figure out what was going on with Santa.  It was pretty funny.  He'd look at us for a second and then turn right back around and look at Santa.  The first round of pictures didn't turn out b/c there wasn't one of him looking at the camera.  The second round, Santa decided to kind of prop McClane on his knee so that he couldn't turn around as easily and it worked!  We finally got the pose!  As we were ordering the pictures, the lady manning the counter said that we "sounded" like Santa.  Guess where Santa was from...the North Pole of course!! But he has a home base in Conyers Georgia!  We went back to talk to him for a minute and he said this is the fifth year that he has come all the way to Boston just to be the Santa at the Natick Mall.  While we were standing in line, Grant had commented that Santa sounded like he had a southern accent and he was right!  Here's the picture!

More Soon!
Grant, Lacey, & McClane

1 comment:

Megan said...

That is SUCH a cute picture of him! And I'm glad he loved Santa so much!!